
Showing posts from April, 2021

3 Steps to a Successful Startup PR - For Marketers & Founders

Source |  Pexels   You may have hired some SEO professionals, assembled a sales team, and built a product, but getting momentum behind your startup is no walk in the park. One of the best ways to put your startup out there is by creating a PR strategy.   Before looking at how to put together a well-researched startup PR, let’s understand the term.  What is Startup PR? Startup PR sums up all the activities online or offline that startups deploy to publicize themselves through relevant industry publications, media outlets, podcasts, social media, and blogs. This publicity aims to enable the company to build brand awareness for its products and services and deliver its target market the right message.  Why startup PR is instrumental for success is obvious because most startups, particularly VC-backed ones, have a low chance of surviving past a few years. Hence, the correct type of media relations can considerably increase your chances of surviving to the point wher...